Summer 2016 Geoscience Internships

This is a picture of me on my very first geology internship. It was the summer of 1998 and I was a Paleo Intern at Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument.  I got to experience excavating, preparing, and cataloguing specimens. But what was most important was during that summer I met a PhD student that was…

Geologist Starter Pack Meme #GeoStarterPack

Right now the “Starter Pack” (also known as starter kit) meme is trending on social media.  It’s a visual representation of all the things you would need to get something done or to embody a certain kind of person.  They normally have 3-5 objects that would be required. They get REALLY funny. Some examples: It’s…

Students Using Social Media to Engage in Science

This semester as a professor at Miami Dade College, I decided to design the final class project around using social media where students will have to engage the general public in science. The classes I teach are ESC1000: General Earth Science, PSC1121: General Physical Science, and PSC1515: Energy in the Natural Environment. Below is a summary of…

Hello World! #ScholarSunday

There’s often a lot of secrecy on the internets and for a while, due to situations around my employer, I felt uncomfortable to disclose who I actually am.  Anyone who knows me, knows secrecy is really not my thing. I’m actually more the Queen of TMI (too much information), than someone who would lead double lives.…

The Scientists of Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey

  I’m sure I wasn’t the only scientist that was excited when it was announced Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson was going to host the new series Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. I was excited that American homes everywhere were going to be filled with cutting-edge science that used engaging graphics. And it doesn’t hurt that Tyson already had a well established…


This is the most magical thing I’ve ever stumbled upon on twitter. The twitter-gods have delivered! A special woman named @Elle_Heart (aka Anneka Thvndercvnt) started this ingenious (not igneous, yes I just dropped a geo-pun) hashtag in February 2012. And then a witty soul @AlexKummert brought it into 2014. So, let’s have some geo-FUN! I’m inviting…

Geosciences in the United States: The Stats

I’m sure most of you are wondering what this map of the United States of America is all about. You can see all the little rock hammers. But can you see the one little blue rock hammer inside? Well that lil blue rock hammer represents the 1% of all geoscientists that are black. That lil…